Friday, February 25, 2011

your presence wherever I go…

I carry your heart with me,
I carry it in my heart I am never without it
Anywhere I go you are always there ……

My love exists for you…….
My life is owed to you…….
My dreams speak about you ……
I have always felt you all around...
My eyes want to see you, when you are not around...
My hands want to touch you, when you are not close….
My fingers miss the space you shared with them….

I carry your presence wherever I go…
Every day, every night …
I think what would have my life been …
Without You…..

Tears roll out of my eyes, when I think of myself without you…
You are God’s most precious gift to me….
You belong to me …
As stars belong to the sky …As this moon belongs to the universe

Your own Eternal Power:

Your own Eternal Power:

Say yes, never say No...Your Vision, Mission and Will Power!!!!!!

Will take you really far….But, what you have to believe in is:You own Eternal Power.

Set out and reach your Goals….Go on the untraveled roads…You have only one life and one chance.

People will always follow as…This is what they always do….You can capture the power within you …

The power to believe in your Dreams…The power to visualize….The power to unleash your self……..

You will gain all the power..The power of being unique..The power of being powerful…The power of being the King/Queen  

Of your own life and your own dreams …So never say No, Say yes…
Say Yes…..I can

That’s what I call is your own Eternal Power  
Composed By: